Page 38 - Pickens NCG 2017
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goods and services is 1 percent lower than the Under the authority of the State Cons-
U.S. average. See the following chart for how titution, several different types of homestead
Pickens County compares against the national exemptions are provided. In addition, local
average of 100. governments are authorized to provide for
increased exemption amounts. The Tax
Assessor’s Office in Pickens County can answer
Pickens County questions regarding the standard exemptions
Cost of Living Indices as well as any local exemptions that are in
place. The local county exemptions supersede
the state exemption amount when the local
HOUSING GOODS & SERVICES exemption is greater than the state exemption.
80 UTILITIES 99 The local homestead exemption is $5,000
93 TRANSPORTATION for County and School M&O taxes. Persons Pickens County Family Home
age 62 or older with a combined total gross
HEALTHCARE income of$25,000 or less from all sources of SENIOR LIVING
everyone living on the property qualify for a
104 GROCERIES total exemption from School M&O taxes. Rock Creek Manor
Homestead exemptions may be filed for any
time during the year. However, exemptions Nestled amidst ten acres of rolling green
Source: Sperling’s Best Places pastures, extensive gardens, walking paths,
must be filed for by April 1 to apply to the sheep pasture and abundant wildlife, locally
current tax year. You must still own and occupy
HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONS the property as of January 1 to be eligible. owned and operated Rock Creek Manor is
a wonderful option for assisted living and
Several types of homestead exemptions • Pickens County Tax Commissioner day care. The home is designed with the
have been enacted to reduce the burden of ad Darrin Satterfield architectural appeal of a historic train depot.
valorem taxation for Georgia homeowners. 1266 E. Church St., Jasper, GA 30143
These exemptions apply to homestead (706) 253-8882 Rock Creek Manor’s mission is to serve seniors
property owned by the taxpayer and occupied with love as Jesus serves us.
as his or her legal residence (some exceptions • 50 Cagle Mill Rd. S., Jasper, GA 30143
to this rule apply and the tax assessor’s office (678) 454-2600
can explain them to you). • Pickens County Tax Assessor
To receive the benefit of the homestead (706) 253-8700 Serenity Mountain Manor
exemption, the taxpayer must file an initial Sit on your back porch at Serenity
application with the Pickens County Tax Mountain Manor and watch nature’s ever-
Commissioner’s Office between January 1 and changing panorama amidst the foothills of
April 1 of the year for which the exemption is 2016 the Appalachian Mountains near Jasper. Take
first claimed by the taxpayer. The homestead MILLAGE a stroll through the indoor courtyard and
application is normally filed at the same listen to the calming sounds of a waterfall, or
time the initial tax return for the homestead RATES
property is filed. Once granted, the homestead Jasper ..................................................4.683 dive into one of the many tailored activities.
exemption is automatically renewed each Nelson ..................................................1.289 Build lasting friendships over one of Serenity
year. The taxpayer does not have to apply Talking Rock .......................................... 1.00 Mountain Manor’s delicious home-cooked
again unless there is a change in ownership of County (includes Marble Hill & Tate) ....... 7.95 meals. Personalized care is expressed through
property or the taxpayer seeks to qualify for a Pickens County Schools .....................15.98 Christian values and conduct, and provided via
different kind of exemption. increasing levels of support.
• 309 Price Creek Farms Ln., Jasper, GA 30143
(706) 253-8200
T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y • w w w .pick enschamber .com • (706) 692-5600