Page 42 - Pickens NCG 2017
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economic rating (Tier 4), employers earn a
$1,250-per-job tax credit
as of 2017, as long as the employer creates
25 new jobs. For more information:
New or existing businesses that locate in
the Marble Valley Sustainable Opportunity
Zone near Tate can take advantage of the most
beneficial Tier 1 tax credits and numerous
other business incentives. Property tax
abatement may also be available to qualifying
industries through Enterprise Zone provisions
or participation by the Pickens County
Development Authority.
More than 30,000 residents enjoy all
Downtown Jasper
that Pickens County has to offer: beautiful
mountain vistas, affordable real estate, friendly
Solid Business Foundation neighbors, quality education for their children,
and a standard of living that can’t be found
elsewhere. Since the 2000 U.S. Census, Pickens
T Commerce Tourism Committee is Pickens County residents of the importance increase. Population projections indicate that
County has attracted more than 7,800 new
he Pickens County Chamber of ongoing marketing campaign reminds all residents, representing more than a 25.5%
more than 35,000 people will call Pickens
of doing their part to strengthen the county’s
welcoming visitors to the
mountains. Georgia’s tourism
citizens are retired persons who nevertheless
to live and do business. All Pickens County
industry accounts for $59 economy and make it a better place in which County home by 2025. Many of these
billion a year, and the Tourism Committee is businesses are invited to join. invest in and contribute to the healthy
dedicated to attracting a share of that to our economy of Pickens County in a variety
community through marketing area attractions INCENTIVES of ways.
and community events. The community offers competitive
The Marble Festival, an event that is held incentives for new industries seeking to locate
the first weekend in October and attracts in Pickens County. The Community Economic
thousands of visitors to our community, Development Department at the Pickens
is being expanded to include more music, County Chamber of Commerce officially
arts and crafts, and activities for children. represents the County and the Development
Four other events are planned for the Authorities and will work closely with
summer season, and each event will sport a prospects at all stages of the project.
different theme to appeal to a wide variety of Businesses seeking to locate or expand in
individuals. The events will include music, Pickens County may benefit from incentives
food, art, as well as a jeep event to prime the such as Freeport exemption and a job tax
highly-acclaimed Sheriff’s JeepFest held Labor credit. Freeport is the exemption of ad valorem
Day weekend each September. tax on inventories as defined by Georgia law.
Downtown revitalization is sweeping the The law offers manufacturers, distributors, Seeking a new home for your new
nation and has swept over Pickens County wholesalers, and warehouse operations an
as well. The Pickens County Chamber of attractive inventory tax exemption on three business, or wanting to expand
Commerce Business Alliance Committee has classes of property. Pickens County exempts your current business in a county
been working with Jasper city officials to make 80% on all classes of certain business that offers countless opportunities?
Main Street and the central business district of inventory from property taxation.
Jasper a vibrant area for residents and visitors. A statewide job tax credit is available for any For more information, contact:
The district’s facelift includes landscaping and qualifying business or headquarters Gerry Nechvatal
gateway and directional signage, of any such business engaged Community Economic Development Director
making the area more inviting in manufacturing, warehousing Pickens County Chamber of Commerce
and easier to navigate. and distribution, processing, 500 Stegall Dr.
The Shop Pickens First telecommunications, tourism, or Jasper, GA 30143
program is an initiative of the research and development industries, (706) 692-5600
Entrepreneur Friendly Program but may not include retail businesses.
launched in March 2008. An Due to Pickens County’s current
T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y • w w w .pick enschamber .com • (706) 692-5600