Page 46 - Pickens NCG 2017
P. 46
social services, government, cultural, and that brings many of the county’s tourists to
educational organizations comprise the class. their Pickens County destinations. If traveling
If Pickens County is to achieve its potential, to the county’s eastern or western regions
the people must be aware of the social, and attractions, Georgia Highway 53 divides
economic, educational and governmental Pickens County horizontally into its northern
needs of the community. The participants and southern halves.
profit from getting to know each other and Two state routes enable explorations of rural
from the formal and informal exchange of Pickens County. Georgia Highway 108 is a two-
ideas and experiences. They gain knowledge
from the overall program on many subjects, lane highway in northwest Cherokee County
thus preparing them for a more active and southern Pickens County that ends at
leadership role in the community. For more the intersection of Highway 53 and Highway
information call (706) 692-5600 or visit 53 Business in Tate. The route is largely rural, with notable truck traffic. The other, Georgia
Pickens County Business Pickens.118.0.html. Highway 136, is a series of streets, roads,
and highways that form a rural route in the
while taking the step toward developing and/or northern part of the county.
enhancing their leadership skills, building their Businesses that depend on shipping find
college and/or employment application, and their needs well served in Pickens County Public Transit
learning things about their community. For by a railroad, a county airport, a public MATS (Mountain Area Transportation
more information call (706) 692-5600 or visit transit system, and well-paved roads. Georgia System, Pickens County Transit) is the way to Highway 5 veers to the northwest off Interstate economically get to know and get around in
575 as it vertically bisects Pickens County,
Pickens.120.0.html. passing through the county seat of Jasper. Pickens County. Four large buses, each seating
Leadership Pickens: Leadership Pickens From the Cherokee/Pickens County line to from 13 to 20 riders, will transport them to
is a program that seeks out existing and Blue Ridge in neighboring Fannin County, nearly all points in the county for $2 one way
emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds Georgia Highway 5 is cosigned with Georgia for the first 10 miles, and over 10 miles is over
and offers them an educational experience Highway 515, the four-lane highway that $3 one way.
to expose them to various aspects of the begins at the northern terminus of I-575 at the • 250 W. Church St., Jasper, GA 30143
community. Individuals from business, Cherokee County/Pickens County line, and (706) 692-3252
T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y • w w w .pick enschamber .com • (706) 692-5600