Page 44 - Pickens NCG 2017
P. 44


                 L ABOR  FORCE

          Thanks to the five institutions of higher
        learning in the Pickens County area (which
        includes neighboring Dawson, Cherokee, and
        Gordon counties), employers find that Pickens
        County’s labor force is educated and eager to
        work. In 2015, 83.4% of workers age 18-65
        were high school graduates or held a GED, and
        had some college training or a full four-year
        college degree. Furthermore, the county’s high
        school graduation rate is 94.2%. Education
        success results like these help encourage these
        scholars to seek a college or technical school
        education which better prepares them for
        Pickens County jobs.
          Chattahoochee Technical College offers
        the WorkKeys Assessments for the National
        Career Readiness Certificate, measuring the   and became a Georgia Certified Work Ready   LEADERSHIP  TR AINING
        real world skills of Georgia workers. These   Community. At Pickens County High School,
        are the same three assessment tests offered   the Work Ready assessment was offered to     The Pickens County Chamber of Commerce
        previously through the Georgia Work Ready                             offers two opportunities for Leadership training.
        Program, which ended in 2012, and the   all seniors, with special focus given to those     Youth Leadership Pickens: The purpose
        resulting certificate shows employers that a job   students on a path toward post-graduation   of the Youth Leadership Pickens Program
        candidate has the basic skills to be successful   work. The effort paid off, as the county   is to expose the youth of Pickens County
        if hired.                          increased its high school graduation rate   to leadership experiences by creating an
          During the six-year span of the Georgia   from 71.6 to 87.2 percent in 2013. Over the   environment where they can make a positive
        Work Ready Program, Pickens County   duration of the Georgia Work Ready Program,   impact on issues that affect teens. The program
        embraced the effort to prepare its workforce   Pickens County residents earned 1,619 Work   is offered free to youth grades 11-12. The
        for new opportunities in the coming decades   Ready certificates.     program offers the youth a chance to have fun

                                        T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y •  w w w .pick enschamber .com  •  (706) 692-5600
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