Page 39 - Pickens NCG 2017
P. 39


          PLB Kitchen and Bath, Inc.

          (Shandong Jiahexing Wood Products Co.)

             While success is a dream for most   I have relatives to help me control the
          people, it was a plan for Susan Lee. Owner   quality,” Susan said. “I also have a 10,000
          of Shandong Jiahexing Wood Products   square-foot warehouse in Jasper. We’re
          Co., Susan Lee moved             ready to ship our high quality, all wood
          to the United States             products anywhere.”
          from China 16 years                 Last year Susan made 10 million dollars
          ago and built a home             in direct container sales alone, and she
          and a business in                doesn’t plan to slow down any time soon.
          Jasper, Georgia.                    On top of her successful cabinetry
             PLB Kitchen and               business, Susan also has a consulting
          Bath, Inc. is the branch         business on most building materials,
          company of Shandong   Susan Lee
          Jiahexing Wood                   which is designed to help other
          Products Co. in the United States, and is a   businesses succeed.
          professional manufacturer specializing in      “I have been in this country so long,
          high-end kitchen cabinets and bathroom   and so many people helped me to be
          vanities. The company has been around   successful, and now I want to help others
          for more than ten years and is thriving   succeed,” said Susan. “I truly believe
          with customer support teams in both the   business is a circle.”
          United States and China.          •    PLB Kitchen and Bath, Inc.
             “Three years ago I opened my own      25 Airport Business Ct., Jasper, GA 30143
          manufacturing facility in China where      (706) 253-4848  

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