Page 45 - Summerville NCG 2018
P. 45

Invented     Lowcountry Life

                  Bosch Workforce Makes Key Products for Automotive Systems

           It wasn’t the Southern hospitality and sweet   partner of the youth apprenticeship program
        tea that brought Robert Bosch, LLC to the   in 2014.
        Lowcountry in 1974. It was a combination of a      “Collaborations are key to workforce
        pro-business environment, strategic location, and   development,” said Katherine Bergmann,
        trade accessibility, all of which have contributed to   communication specialist at Bosch. “Our
        Bosch’s thriving manufacturing division in North   contributions to the workforce were successful
        Charleston, and in turn an economic boom  due to these collaborative efforts with our
        in manufacturing within the region.     local partners.”
            Locating in the area 45 years ago, Bosch is the       Bosch products like fuel injectors and
        region’s largest private                              high-pressure pumps put
        sector manufacturer and   The North Charleston Bosch plant   the power in a vehicle’s
        the oldest international   produces advanced automotive   powertrain. These products
        business. In the beginning  products that save lives every day,   support the company’s
        stages, the plant employed  like the Electronic Stability Program   mission to create solutions

        105 workers. Since then,   modules (ESP) for automotive   and to improve the quality
        Bosch has invested more     braking systems.          of life worldwide with
        than $625 million in                                  connected products and
        seven expansions and                    services that are innovative and that spark
        now has more than  1,700 employees.     enthusiasm or, in short, products that are
           Not only has Bosch created an impact by   “invented for life.”
        expanding, investing, and providing jobs within      Bosch continues to grow its presence within
        the region, but the company is also an advocate   the region. Additional expansions will take place
        for educating the future workforce. The company   over the next few years, including $175 million in
        established an adult apprenticeship training   investments and 150 new jobs.
        program in the 1970s and was an inaugural                               ~by Dana Brown

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