Page 12 - Tri-County NCG 2023
P. 12

Grab a

         Ray of Sunshine

         By Glenn Carson

               he Town of Holly Hill in          The town offers a variety of   the agricultural centers for South
               Orangeburg County is in       educational experiences for families   Carolina, the county also hosts
               the center of the Tri-County   with children. An elementary      Fortune 500 companies and is the
        T Region. It is a small, rural       and middle school (part of the     center of South Carolina’s Global
        community that its citizens are happy   Orangeburg County Public School   Logistics Triangle and an ideal
        to call home.                        System) are in Holly Hill. For those   location for distribution.
                                             looking to prepare for college,        Billy Chavis, mayor of Holly Hill
            A town with growth on its mind, it   Holly Hill Academy is a private co-  since January 2022, said there is
        is already home to wonderful outdoor   educational school with kindergarten   plenty of opportunity for growth in
        experiences. Gilmore Park is a seven-  through high school.             the town. “Holly Hill is a blank slate,”
        acre playland with facilities for tennis,                               he said. “Like all rural communities
        picnics, walking, and walking your       Surrounding Holly Hill is a    we have our challenges, but the
        dog. The Santee Cooper Lakes have    strong economic base. As one of    growth is coming.”
        170,000 acres of fresh water for
        boating, swimming, and year-round
        fishing. For avid boaters, Lake Marion
        provides a route from the heart of
        the Tri-County Region all the way to
        Charleston on the Atlantic coast. Golf
        clubs are only minutes away from
        Holly Hill.

        Continued on page 10

        About  The  Tri-County Region                                               Tri-County Regional Chamber of Commerce
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