Page 4 - Villa Rica Brochure
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The MILL Amphitheater
Pine Mountain Gold Museum The MILL Amphitheater
and Scenic Railroad Villa Rica’s 1,200-capacity “green
The lure of gold attracted prospectors space” amphitheater is where
to Villa Rica in the earliest days of concerts, festivals, classic car and
American gold mining. In fact, gold comedy shows, and numerous annual
is regularly found on Pine Mountain events are scheduled year round.
to this day! The Pine Mountain Gold In downtown Villa Rica, The MILL
Museum is Georgia’s only gold Amphitheater puts visitors within easy
museum on an actual gold mine with walking distance of regional shopping
gold and gem panning on-site. and dining favorites.
106 Temple St.
Villa Rica, GA 30180
The Parklets
The parklets in downtown Villa Rica
are the first permanent parklet
installation in Georgia. Primarily
designed to provide an outdoor dining
experience for patrons of Main Street
restaurants, they are also open to the
general public. Fronting Uncorked on
Main and Los Cowboys
Grab your tickets for a ride on the
Pine Mountain Scenic Railroad. The Uncorked on Main
train circles the base of Pine Mountain Stop in at this West Georgia tasting
and gives excellent views of the ruins room in downtown Villa Rica for
sips of regional wines and
of the mining station. views of creative pieces
1881 Stockmar Rd. by local artists.
Villa Rica, GA 30180, 129 Main St. Villa Rica, GA 30180