Page 12 - Al Brown Newsletter
P. 12
Tell us about becoming an author and
about the focus of your new book.
With this project, I set out to accomplish three things: 1) to
explain the Bible in simple language, book by book; 2) to show
some of the interesting notes written in my Bible over the years;
and 3) to share special life experiences that Gayle and I have
had, expressed in short stories.
What was your motivation in the decision to
write a book?
Now, I’m neither a scholar nor a saint, but I
have been a Bible reader for many years and
a researcher and truth seeker. Plus, I teach
an adult Sunday school class every Sunday
at St. Simons Island First Baptist Church
(I am a drinking Baptist!). Anyway, I have
hundreds of notes in my Bible, probably
With Al after I make my journey to my Heavenly
legible only to me. It occurred to me that
Home, our daughters, Anna and Jordan, will
Brown look at my Bible and wonder what
in the world Dad scribbled
throughout his Bible.
So, my initial goal
was to transform my
notes so they could
Getting to Know be understood.
Your Broker It occurred to me
that there are