Page 12 - St Simons Baptist Church Flipbook
P. 12

Closing Thoughts

                                            We commit to our next Senior Pastor that we will:
                                              • Love the individual, their family, and their call to lead our congregation
                                                • Work collaboratively so that all have a voice, a hand, and a heart in the church
                                                  • Work together in faithful ministry to be the hands and feet of Christ to
                                                        grow the church and its impact on our community
                                                      • Be the light of the world in both local and global missions as we
                                                            honor the Great Commission
                                                            In closing, we trust that our search is a Spirit-led process through
                                                            which God will work through all parties involved to bring together
                                                              our next Senior Pastor and our congregation in a celebration
                                                                of new seasons for spiritual growth and discipleship through
                                                                  diverse ministry opportunities.

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