Page 50 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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accommodate an additional 55 research   rooms, the new tower includes a café, gift   December 2022. The company aims to
        and development positions as well as   shop, retail pharmacy, the Sacred Space,   bring to market the world’s first honeybee
        additional research and development   a patient and family resource center, as   vaccine to improve the health and
        capabilities and activities to the site.  well as inpatient and outpatient clinical   productivity of honeybee colonies.
                                             program support areas. Piedmont Athens
        Piedmont Athens Regional Medical     Regional is Athens-Clarke County’s second    According to Forbes, total craft beer
        Center completed a new, $194 million,   largest employer, with approximately   sales by volume edged up 1 percent in
        nearly 229,000 square-foot patient   3,300 employees.                   2021, while craft brewery sales rose 8
        tower in Spring 2022. The expansion                                     percent. That’s great news for the six
                                                                                breweries along the Athens Beer Trail!
        is designed to serve as a physical and   Dalan Animal Health, Inc., a biotech   Terrapin Brewing Co.’s commitment
        healing connection to the surrounding   company focused on insect health,   to environmental sustainability makes
        Athens community and allow for greater   relocated its headquarters to Athens   national news, most recently as it
        integration of care for patients who are   in 2022. The first global vaccine for   announced to become a zero-waste
        part of Piedmont’s east clinical hub. In   honeybees was conditionally approved   facility through its water treatment
        addition to 128 modernized inpatient   by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in   program and composting actions.

     46    Workforce Development                        Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800
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