Page 52 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
P. 52
Athens’ Classic Center
by Glenn Carson
When looking for a job, or when wanting to go The Classic Center has a special focus on
further in your career, workforce development high school students. Additionally, Cramer
offered by The Classic Center in Athens is a has championed workforce development
great place to start. efforts in the hospitality industry and has
had direct influence in the establishment
What exactly is workforce development? It is an of hospitality degree programs at many
idea that brings together the private and public institutions including Athens Technical
sectors to give individuals help in starting a career College and the University of Georgia. From
or growing in an existing one, and helps camps to internships to job shadowing,
organizations reach their goals. It is a program, students are given real world opportunities
then, aimed at both employees and employers to discover the kinds of careers that
so that both can access the necessary skills to interest them.
become the best they can be.
The Hospitality Careers Academy, hosted
The Classic Center takes its name from Athens annually by The Classic Center, is one example
– long known as “The Classic City.” With of a week-long camp that shows students
performing arts, an arena, and convention space, what it’s like to work in hospitality and tourism.
The Classic Center is a cultural hub for Athens. Entering its 20th year of operation, the camp
Paul Cramer, president and CEO of The Classic prepares students to assist in an annual event
Center, has a passion for helping individuals for patrons of the The Classic Center held at
progress in their careers and he was the driving the close of the week. Professionals from the
force in establishing the development program. industry are featured speakers throughout the
Shannon McCullough, Vice-President for Human week, so students receive a true picture of
Resources and Workforce Development at The working in this field of customer service.
Classic Center, said “At the core we are offering A partnership between The Classic Center
skills that can be transferred to any career the and the Athens Community Career Academy
individual ultimately chooses.” provides students with opportunities they
would not have otherwise. The Classic Center
serves as a laboratory for those students
studying hospitality management. The Academy
will soon offer programs in entertainment,
sports, and events management as well, and
The Classic Center will also be available to
those students. The approval process for
these new programs is underway with the
Georgia Department of Education.