Page 60 - Athens NCG 2024
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Cine’ Athens

          Visitors can also stroll through   classes and events include a
        a gallery of stimulating paintings   diversity of options for teens,
        and sculptures, or be inspired by   adults, children, and everyone
        talented musicians playing rock,   to learn. Get started at
        country, jazz, roots music, and
        more across town.
          The films and arts programs   The Pulse of Athens
        shown and delivered by Ciné are   Athens’ vibrant arts
        widely recognized. Ciné’s vital   community and events are
        role in Athens cultural life was   found in these calendars:
        recognized in 2022 as one of 10   •   Athens Banner-Herald,
        centers honored by the annual
        Georgia Governor’s Award for   thingstodo
        the Arts and Humanities. As a   •   Athens Convention and
        nonprofit organization, Ciné is   Visitors Bureau,
        operated under the stewardship
        of an all-volunteer board with   •   Flagpole Magazine,
        The Athens Film Arts Institute.
        Ciné reflects and celebrates the
        complex tapestry of the Athens   Recreation & Sports
        area with a mission to inspire,     The Classic City holds a new
        educate, and build community   outdoor adventure around
        through art and culture.   every corner and has something
          In a town founded on     for nature lovers and sports
        education, the Athens Regional   buffs alike. Athens is home to
        Library System is all about   phenomenal athletic leagues for
        community, family togetherness,   all ages, miles of hiking and biking
        and forever learning for   trails, and some of the finest golf
        everyone. Multimedia resources,   courses in the South.

      56                                                  Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • 706-549-6800
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