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State Botanical
                                                                                    Garden of Georgia

                                                                                      The State Botanical Garden of
                                                                                    Georgia at the University of
                                                                                    Georgia is a 323-acre accessible
                                                                                    preserve featuring singular
                                                                                    gardens and collections, including
                                                                                    the Visitor Center and Conservatory,
                                                                                    Alice H. Richards Children’s Garden,
                                                                                    the Porcelain and Decorative Arts
                                                                                    Museum, several themed gardens
                                                                                    and miles of nature trails. All the
                                                                                    facilities and most displays and
                                                                                    theme gardens are accessible by
                                                                                    wheelchair, motorized scooter,
                                                                                    and stroller. Exceptions include
                                                                                    the Flower Garden because of its
                                                                                    elevation changes and the Native
        The Classic Center Theatre and UGA   performing arts are alive at places like
        Performing Arts Center are spacious   The Classic Center, UGA’s Performing Arts   Flora Garden’s mulch pathways. Free
        venues that host instrumental and   Center, The Morton Theatre, Athens Creative   admission; donations welcome.
        classical music, Broadway shows, and   Theatre, and East Athens Educational Dance
        more. These and many great venues,   Center. Broadway productions combine with
        along with WUOG 90.5 FM University of   movie complexes and alternative cinemas   Places. The Morton operates as a rental
        Georgia college radio, and local record   that bring the world to Athens.  facility hosting live theatre, music concerts,
        shops like Wuxtry, are keeping local                                    church services, weddings, community
        Athens sounds dialed in. Night clubs,   The Morton Theatre              events, and more. The theatre, which
        theatres, and even area coffee shops     The Morton Theatre is one of the first, and   seats 500, is a unit of the Arts and Nature
        showcase Athens’ musical aptitude on   the oldest surviving vaudeville theatre in the   Programs Division of Athens-Clarke
        any given night of the week.        United States, was opened by an African   County's Leisure Services Department and
                                            American entrepreneur in 1910 and now   is managed by the nonprofit Morton
        Exhibitions and the Arts            listed on the National Register of Historic   Theatre Corporation.
          The official State Museum of Art, the
        Georgia Museum of Art on the campus of
        University of Georgia, houses American
        paintings, primarily 19th- and 20th-century;
        American, European, and Asian; works on
        paper; and self-taught art, as well as works
        by African American artists and a Samuel
        H. Kress Study Collection of Renaissance
        and Baroque art and growing collections
        of Southern decorative arts. The museum’s
        Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden
        hosts rotating exhibitions of work by women
        sculptors. The 1945-founded museum and
        gardens offer free inspiration for everyone.
        Creativity and culture define Athens. The

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