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already home to the UGA Ice Dawgs
                                                                                and UGA women’s club hockey team.
                                                                                  Inside the new arena will be the
                                                                                home of the Georgia Music Hall
                                                                                of Fame, curated by UGA Special
                                                                                Collections Libraries, holder of the
                                                                                collections. Exhibits will showcase
                                                                                Georgia’s musical legends with
                                                                                interactive experiences, stories,
                                                                                and significant pieces, such as
                                                                                costumes from the Athens-based
                                                                                B-52s musical group.
                                                                                  The new arena is bringing major
                                                                                cheerleading and sports competitions,
                                            arena, surrounding balcony views,
          Athens has an incredible selection of   and the availability of different sizes    the Harlem Globetrotters and Disney on
        music venues, but where can a national   of suites.                     Ice 2025. More booking announcements
        touring act perform when thousands     The Classic Center already presents   will be made after the opening date.
        more seats are needed? This new arena   about 600 events a year. This new arena     “The most important part might
        can attract 85% of touring bands with a   will add 125+ events annually, resulting   be what we talk about internally:
        concert capacity of 7,000 people.   in more than 300 additional event days   Be Impressed,” said Cramer. In those
          “Athens is an education town, a   with larger attendance numbers. More   two words he sums up the experiences
        music town, a fun place,” said Paul   than 600 jobs are anticipated.    the hospitality team at The Classic
        Cramer, President and CEO of The      Cramer explained that initially   Center want people to feel, and all
        Classic Center, which currently includes   everyone thought about building an   within the excitement of the newly
        a performing arts theater, conference   outdoor amphitheater. But in the   built environment.
        center, and outdoor pavilion for    summer, many resident students
        concerts and sports. “Guests will   and faculty leave town. Two studies
        discover not only the arena, but all of   mirrored each other by analyzing   Community Grand
        the other things that are coming in with   the economic vitality of Athens and   Opening: August 2024
        this new development.”              recommended a covered arena – where       The Classic Center's mission is to
          Opening in August, the $151 million   an event could occur every day of   enhance the quality of life in Athens-
        arena, of which $34 million was     the year, and which can have a more     Clarke County while serving as the
        provided by SPLOST (Special Purpose   profound impact on the economy. In    cultural, civic, and social center for the
        Local Option Sales Tax) collections,   fact, the studies related that things   Southeast and generating maximum
        embodies music, art, and education in   happening around the arena may even    economic impact.
        Athens on a larger scale.           be bigger.                                The Classic Center and Arena
          The Classic Center launched         “The whole plaza on the outside       will also be capped by Georgia’s
        ELEVATE, an initiative designed to   will be activated with art and music,”   largest municipal rooftop solar
        enhance The Classic Center’s music,   said Cramer, who is recognized this   energy system, generating nearly
        entertainment, and educational      year by Georgia Trend Magazine as one   half the electricity used by both
        programs by showcasing the Georgia   of 500 of the Most Influential Leaders   venues – in partnership with
        Music Hall of Fame collection at the   in Georgia for his work on economic   Cherry Street Energy.
        arena, developing a Hospitality Learning   development and Southern hospitality.
        Lab, and creating an Entertainment   Cramer celebrates 29 years at The      “Residents and visitors can
        Enrichment Fund to attract premier   Classic Center this year. Among his
        touring acts to Athens. With a campaign   leadership roles, he developed and   anticipate a great variety of
        goal of $5.5 million, supporters of   oversees The Classic Center Cultural   entertainment and attractions
        ELEVATE are making an investment in   Foundation which provides hospitality   in the first month that will
        the future of Athens and its cultural   education, performing arts, and     show off the functionality of
        growth and impacts.                 visual arts scholarships to the         the arena and why it is different
          Beyond the arena, there are       local community.                        than anything we have ever
        plans for a new brewery, sports bar,     Bigger things are coming. Athens will
        hotels, food hall, and condominiums   now have its own hockey team in the   had before.”
        and apartments.                     Southern Professional Hockey League.    –  Paul Cramer
          “There’s not a bad seat in the house,”   Athens is entering the professional   President & CEO
        said Cramer, referring to the strong   hockey sector in the season run from   The Classic Center
        sight lines from many angles in the   October to April. The Classic Center is

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