Page 20 - Clemson Area Chamber Community Guide
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We’re Open for Business

        Business and Industry in the        manufacturing firms have chosen to   Education & Healthcare             workforce for local industries, colleges,
        Clemson Area                        operate here.                         Clemson University’s teaching,    and economic development agencies.
           n Upstate South Carolina, few      The number of small to medium     research, and outreach efforts help      Healthcare is another major employer
        I  places can match the business    firms also is growing here, steadily adding   drive development and improve the   presence, with AnMed Health employing
           and industry of the Clemson Area.   good-paying jobs for current residents, as   quality of life in the Clemson Area,    more than 4,000 healthcare practitioners
        With Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens   well as technical and engineering students   the state, and beyond. The largest   and support personnel, and Prisma Health
        counties, our area is the center of   who stay in the area after graduation.  employer in the area, the university   employing nearly 2,000 practitioners and
        activity for education, healthcare,                                     annually awards more than 7,400     support staff in the Clemson Area and
                                              Near the borders of Georgia, North
        finance, and transportation.                                            degrees, more than 3,000 of those in   nearly 30,000 system wide.
                                            Carolina, and Tennessee, the Clemson
          Thanks to the presence of Clemson                                     engineering, computing, applied science,
                                            Area offers an innovative, progressive
        University, Southern Wesleyan                                           and science.                        Financial Institutions
                                            spirit. To engage in this spirit and
        University, and Tri-County Technical                                      The quality of the area’s workforce     A wide variety of financial institutions
                                            gain the support of Clemson Area
        College, the Clemson Area offers                                        pipeline is enhanced by graduates   meet the banking and investment
                                            business leaders, become a member
        stellar access to a highly trained,                                     of Southern Wesleyan University     needs of Clemson Area business and
                                            of the Clemson Area Chamber of
        competitive workforce. This quality                                     and Tri-County Technical College.   residents. From wealth management
                                            Commerce. For a list of members, visit
        workforce is why the Clemson Area                                       Additionally, Pickens County Career &   and investment advisors to credit
        has become a pivotal player in the and click   Technology Center (PCCTC) develops   unions and traditional banks, the
        resurgence of manufacturing in the   Member Directory Listing under the   and implements a student-centered   area has a solid cadre of trusted
        state and the U.S., and why several large   Membership tab.             instructional program to ensure a skilled   banking professionals. Review the
        16                                      Clemson Business                                    (864) 654-1200 |
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