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• CAPTIVATING HIKING TRAILS • Unicoi State Park Trails Cloudland Canyon West Rim Loop Trail
(34.723033, -083.722300)
(34.83492853544871, -85.4810772338768)
Enjoy numerous trails in the beauty of Unicoi State Park
Inside Cloudland Canyon State Park near Rising Fawn, GA,
this is a 4.7-mile loop trail. The area is popular for camping
near Helen, GA. The 2-mile Bottoms Loop Trail takes you
and hiking, so expect to encounter other visitors on your
through a wildflower wonderland leading to the remains of
way. Start at the East Rim trailhead and follow the waterfalls
an old homestead. The Frog Pond Nature Trail is just a third
of a mile long with tree identification signs and interpretive
switchbacks will take you through beautiful pine forests and
markers. The compacted soil surface of the Unicoi/Helen Trail
onto the canyon floor. At about 3 miles, an overlook gives you
is 3 miles, crossing several small streams. The Lake Trail is
a dramatic view of Lookout Mountain to the north.
along Lake Unicoi and is a perfect spot for viewing fall leaves. to go deep into the canyon on the West Rim Loop. The trail
The Mountain Bike Trail and the Smith Creek Trail are for
experienced hikers only.
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