Page 15 - Discover Georgia Outdoors 2024
P. 15


           Raven Cliff Falls Trail
           (34.71041064429434, -83.78933030207955)                                                             • CAPTIVATING HIKING TRAILS •
           South of Hiawassee and near Helen, GA, this trail takes you to
           one of Georgia’s most beautiful waterfalls. You may want to
           take your camping gear to spend the night along the trail. A
           wooden bridge takes you over a creek leading to tributaries
           under a canopy of trees. This is a designated Wilderness
           Area, so be prepared to experience nature at its best and
           maybe get your feet wet. And watch out for bears!

          D i s c o v er Geor gi a O ut doors . c om • 3 6 5 ° To tal  M ar k eti ng
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