Page 36 - Dunwoody NCG 2015
P. 36


Dunwoody | Quality of Life                                                                                          Know?DID YOU

                                                                                                                      Dunwoody offers more
                                                                                                                      than 170 acres of green
                                                                                                                      space, so residents can
                                                                                                                       get outside and enjoy

                                                                                                                        the great outdoors.

                                                                          Dunwoody residents have a multitude       Dunwoody's premier retail arena, features
                                                                          of activities to fill leisure hours.      six major department stores and 195
                                                                                                                    specialty shops and retailers. With a variety
                            Located in the heart of Georgia’s most vibrant                                          of styles and brands, shoppers can find
                            metropolitan area, Dunwoody is an exciting place                                        everything from home décor to runway
                                                                                                                    outfits at affordable prices.
                                              to live, explore and play.                                            	 Outdoor shopping malls including
                                                                                                                    Perimeter Place and Park Place offer an
                            	 With endless entertainment options          Shopping and Dining                       abundance of familiar brands and retail
                            ranging from shopping at any of the +200      	 Dunwoody is a shopping powerhouse,      outlets. Some of the best restaurants in the
                            stores in the perimeter, dining in some of    with more than 200 national brand         city are also available here. From Memphis
                            the finest restaurants in the metro area or   stores, specialty shops and boutiques.    BBQ Company, which serves soulful,
                            getting some fresh air on a bike trail or in  The Perimeter Mall, which is the second   Southern favorites, to upscale McKendrick’s
                            the park, a new adventure is always just      largest shopping center in the South and  Steak House to Café Intermezzo, a
                            around the corner in Dunwoody.                                                          European coffee house, classic favorites
                                                                                                                    and new flavors await.
                                                                                                                    	 For shoppers seeking unique styles and
                                                                                                                    quaint atmospheres, specialty shops can be
                                                                                                                    found at the Dunwoody Village.

                                                                                                                    Arts and Culture
                                                                                                                    	 Dunwoody may be a small, close-
                                                                                                                    knit community, but the city offers big

                                                                                                                                                                         (Continued pg.38)

                                                                                                                          Perimeter Mall is the second-largest
                                                                                                                                 shopping mall in Georgia.

36 Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber | | 678.244.9700
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