Page 16 - Montcross Area Chamber NCG
P. 16
Belmont Mount Holly Cramerton
to Gaston County, North Carolina
G aston County is experiencing between strokes on canvases, filling in the
growth and revitalization due
details of a Gaston County way of life.
partly to the outward sprawl of its
Watch the Catawba River’s currents
larger neighbor, City of Charlotte, turning move through Mount Holly and Belmont
former mill towns into neighborhoods, on the county’s eastern border and the
each with their own design and influence. South Fork River flowing through Lowell,
Residents find more affordable housing and McAdenville, and Cramerton. The South
opportunities here across the Catawba River. Fork and Catawba rivers combine in
Just west of Charlotte, you’re in Gaston southern Belmont to form Lake Wylie with
County. Because of rivers that powered its 325 miles of shoreline.
The earliest European settlers of
Gastonia mills, this region was the grandmother of Gaston County were principally Scots
the nation’s textile industry in the 1800s,
followed by the arrival and expansion of Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch, and English who
railroads. Historic and authentic, pockets of encountered the indigenous Cherokee
culture are tucked away, outwardly visible, and Catawba nations in the Piedmont
and overlapping every downtown corner. area. Gaston County was founded in
Imagine that our communities are 1846 and is named for William Gaston, a
pieces of a quilt stitched by entrepreneurial U.S. Representative from North Carolina
hands. Belmont, Cramerton, Gastonia, and member of the North Carolina State
Lowell, McAdenville, Mount Holly, Ranlo, Supreme Court.
and Stanley are all experiencing growth Enjoy your journey and check out the
that is leading them to be watchful and largest manmade whitewater course in the
protective of their unique downtowns and world, dinosaur skeletons, or the newest
special places. distillery. Follow the scented breezes from
The North Carolina Thread Trail weaves the banks of Lake Wylie to the esteemed
our communities together by pathways Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. From our
that encourage walking, strollers, bikes, local downtown nightlife to the best of
and wheelchairs. People can fish and libraries, parks, and festivals, Gaston County
swim, kayak, and pause with paint brushes is yours to love in all the ways you can.
Did you know?
McAdenville Did you know? In 1883, Thomas Edison was hired to build a hydroelectric generator, No. 31,
known as a Dynamo, to power the lighting in the mill and mill houses of McAdenville.