Page 33 - Montcross Area Chamber NCG
P. 33


        a distillery, cocktail bar, and event space
        on Dutchman’s Creek. The distillery is a
        meeting place for craft rum enthusiasts.
        Think of flavor-fusions with rums and
        coffee, basil, coconut, and aged Queen
        Charlotte Rum varieties. These rums are
        used by local mixologists for their quality
        and versatility.
          Muddy River Distillery is on the Ridgeline
        Craft Beverage Trail, which features
        breweries, distilleries, and wineries in
        Gaston, Lincoln, and Cleveland counties.
          250 North Main Street
          Mount Holly, NC 28120                   CaroMont Health Park

        Belmont Abbey Basilica              Gastonia Ghost Peppers                Cotton Candy Factory
        Belmont                             Gastonia                           Belmont
          Belmont Abbey College’s Mary Help of     Join the Atlantic League of Professional     Find your candy paradise in the swirls
        Christians Basilica, built in 1892 and listed   Baseball team, Gastonia Ghost Peppers, for   and bright colors of 25+ cotton candy
        on the National Register of Historic Places,   their 126-game season April through fall.   flavors, plus nostalgic candies and party
        is the spiritual center of campus, with   The new club name was decided by popular   favors. Spin your own cotton candy!
        ornate stained-glass windows of saints that   vote and honors the Carolina Reaper chili   The Cotton Candy Factory is owned and
                                            pepper, one of the hottest chili peppers in
                                                                               operated by Holy Angels, Inc., a nonprofit
        were exhibited in the 1892 World’s Fair. The   the world. The team is hot, having set the   organization dedicated to caring for people
        Basilica is open for students and visitors to   league record for highest win percentage in   with intellectual developmental disabilities
        join the Benedictine monks for liturgies, or   a three-year span (.651 from 2022-2024).   and delicate medical conditions. Also visit
        for personal prayer and reflection.     CaroMont Health Park           sister stores: Bliss Gallery, Cherub’s Café,
          100 Belmont-Mount Holly Road        800 West Franklin Boulevard      and Spruced Goose Station.
          Belmont, NC 28012                   Gastonia, NC 28052                 21 North Main Street, Belmont, NC 28012
          704-461-6700 |    704-874-1810 |    704-825-0416

                                                                               Hiking Boots & Paddles
                                                                               Catawba Riverkeeper Eco Tours
                                                                               Ready for guided paddles and hikes? Each
                                                                               month, Catawba Riverkeeper’s Eco-Tour
                                                                               features a different portion of the Catawba-
                                                                               Wateree River Basin that attendees can
                                                                               experience through hiking, biking, or
                                                                               kayaking. Try out Full Moon Paddles, too,
                                                                               among other seasonal tours.
                                                                               Crowders Mountain State Park
                                                                                 Crowders Mountain State Park has 11
                                                                               trails throughout its 5,000+ acres. Hikers
                                                                               can access the highest point in Gaston
                                                                               County on the mountain’s 1,625-foot
                                                                               summit – one of two peaks in the park – or
                                                                               walk the 12-mile Ridgeline Trail. The park’s
                                                                               lake is open for fishing. Listen and look for
             Belmont Abbey Basilica                                            a wide variety of songbirds and birds of
                                                                               prey that makes the park a great spot for                                                                             29
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