Page 15 - Thomson-McDuffie NCG 2023
P. 15

Economic  Development
            Economic  Development

                                          Georgia’s Sweet Spot

             ast Georgia’s Sweet Spot is our   administrators are strengthening McDuffie   members. The Government Affairs
             way of describing the business   County’s workforce with the Workforce   Committee is a dynamic volunteer
       Eopportunities in Thomson-McDuffie   & Education Committee.              committee of Chamber leaders who meet
        County – a community with a strong sense                                monthly at the Chamber office and guide
        of history and a progressive business   GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS              the Chamber in its public policy positions.
        environment. Our prime location along                                   Events that connect chamber members with
        the I-20 corridor in Georgia-Carolina’s   The Thomson-McDuffie Chamber   elected officials include:
        Central Savannah River Area connects   Government Affairs Committee is the voice     • Pre-Legislative Luncheon
        easily with the Southeastern U.S.   for your business in local, state, and federal     • Post-Legislative Luncheon
                                            government. The Committee actively     • State of the Community
        For site selectors and CEOs, there   develops and promotes policy positions     • McDuffie County Day at the Capitol
        are plenty of opportunities for     on critical issues impacting the business
        success here: first-class industrial   community, as well as continuously using   LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION
        sites, unparalleled governmental    the Chamber’s role as the leading business   With our own airport, rail service, immediate
        cooperation, and a great quality of life   organization in the community to advocate   interstate access, and multi-vendor utility
        in a strong community environment.  on behalf of its members. The Government   services, McDuffie County offers an ideal
                                            Affairs Committee promotes policy priorities   setting for the manufacture and transport
        New industry joins more than 30 thriving   that support the expansion of business and   of goods.
        local manufacturing operations. Fort   protect employers.
        Gordon is the newly designated home of                                  In a strategic East Georgia location, reach
        U.S. Army Cyber Command and the Cyber   We engage elected officials in meaningful   markets quickly and cost-effectively with
        Center of Excellence. A major aspect of the   policy discussions on behalf of Chamber   multi-modal logistics including highway
        CCOE’s mission is the training, education,
        and development of world-class, highly   Two State Roofing
        skilled Signal, Cyber, and Electronic Warfare
        professionals supporting operations at the
        strategic, operational, and tactical level.
        Custom training for your team can be
        provided through Georgia Quick Start, the
        nation’s top ranked workforce development
        program. We collaborate with McDuffie’s
        local training partner, Augusta Technical
        College, and your management and
        production team.

        Thomson-McDuffie Chamber business
        leaders and Thomson High School

                                                                                                                 13 • 706-597-1000
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