Page 11 - Thomson-McDuffie NCG 2023
P. 11

Thomson-McDuffie County Library
                                                                                  President Wins

        The Thomson-McDuffie County Library   in the Summer Reading Program receive
        has served area residents since 1937. The   reading incentive rewards.    Prestigious
        local library is much more than the tens
        of thousands of books and multimedia   The Friends of The Library is a    Award
        available for check out. It is a gathering   membership group that supports the
        place for learning through innovative   library staff and promotes the library’s
        programs for all ages, including access   programs in the community. Special
        to computers, the Internet, educational   projects sponsored by the Friends include   Phi Theta Kappa Honor
        databases, craft workshops, story times,   a Veteran’s Day Celebration, the Summer   Society honored Dr. Jermaine
        and STEAM sessions.                Reading Program, author signings, and   Whirl, president of Augusta
                                           used book sales. Anyone interested in
        Space for meetings and conferences is   joining can contact the Library.  Technical College, with its
        provided for the community. The library                                   Paragon Award for New
        offers copying, faxing, scanning, and   The Library is a member of PINES (Public
        printing services for a small fee. The   Information Network for Electronic   Presidents during the Society’s
        library is a member of GADD (Georgia   Services), a network of Georgia libraries   2023 annual convention.
        Download Destination). GADD provides   that provides equal access to materials
        patrons with access to free electronic   beyond what is available on local shelves.   Dr. Whirl is among 28
        books, audio books, magazines, and   Patrons can order books, DVDs, and   college presidents selected
        videos. The library also has an “eReads   other materials which are delivered free
        Kids” platform providing free e-books and   of charge through a statewide courier   from 406 national college
        e-audio books to kids in Pre-K to   system. Any Georgia resident is eligible to   presidents, chancellors, and
        4th grade.                         receive a free PINES library card.     CEOs eligible to receive the

        The library coordinates with the Georgia   Thomson-McDuffie County Library  award. The award recognizes
        Library Service for the Blind and Print   338 Main Street, Thomson, GA 30824  college presidents who have
        Disabled (GLS) which provides, by mail,   706-595-1341
        audio books and large-print books to       shown support of student
        patrons who are unable to visit a library.   Open: Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.;   success initiatives leading
        In addition, Bookmobile services are   Sat: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Closed Sun.   to stronger pathways to
        provided. Bookmobile stops are made in
        rural and residential communities, and at                                 completion, transfer, and
        Pre-Ks, day care centers, nursing homes,                                  employment. Recipients are
        and other institutions.
                                                                                  nominated by students on
        Generous donations and grants allow                                       their campus.
        the library to offer a Summer Reading
        Program. This encourages children to                                        Congratulations, Dr. Whirl!
        read books during the summer break
        to avoid what teachers refer to as “the
        summer slope.” During each week, there
        are multiple educational activities such as
        story times; movies; craft workshops; and
        live performances. Patrons who participate

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