Page 13 - Thomson-McDuffie NCG 2023
P. 13

Dudley Nurseries

                 Dudley Nurseries

                       Agriculture Employs

                                  in McDuffie

        By Lydia Cobb                                                                    White Hills Farm
                cDuffie County embraces its   Four generations of the McCorkle family,
                agricultural heritage. Several   in addition to a dedicated workforce, carry
        Mlocal farms and nurseries have      on the operation started by C.S. and Avice   National Register of Historic Places in 1996.
        been in operation since the 1940s, such   McCorkle in 1942. The McCorkle culture   Pine Top’s gently rolling hills and sand-
        as Dudley Nurseries, Hillcrest Farms,             continues to serve customers with quality   based  footing provide the perfect setting
        and McCorkle Nurseries. Farming and   flowering shrubs, perennials, evergreens,   for spectacular equine events. Expertly
        growing continues to be a family affair   vines, and edibles. Visit mccorklenurseries.  designed courses, trails, three sand
        in McDuffie County – and a driver of   com or call 706-595-9702.         dressage arenas, and permanent stabling
        meaningful employment.                                                   for 150 horses ropes Pine Top Farm in with
                                             Another family, the Dudley’s of R.A. Dudley   the finest of equestrian venues.
        Hillcrest Farms is a 4th-generation family   Nurseries, has been growing landscaping
        farm and Georgia’s first robotic dairy farm.   and flowering plants for five generations   In addition to arenas, Pine Top features
        Arrange for farm tours of approximately 90   since the nursery began in 1940. Stop   several cross-country courses, with more
        minutes and you will be amazed at how   by and let them show you around. It’s
        much the dairy cows enjoy being milked   huge – you’ll be driving. And driving.   than 200 acres of open pasture. The jumps
        with robotic operations around the clock,   And still passing Dudley Nurseries! Visit   are challenging yet inviting.
        whenever they are ready. The robotic or call 800-542-4484.
        dairy bustles with employees and farmers,                                Pine Top Farm is family owned, and has
        technicians, and all between this busy place   The Thomson Farmers Market opens for   hosted hundreds of prestigious events,
        (meaning, a robot didn’t take the jobs away).   high summer on Saturdays in June and   including “The Pine Top Trials.” The farm
        Visit or call      July. The Market features fresh, local   proudly played a major supporting role
        706-831-7738.                             produce from area farmers – it’s a   in the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games,
                                                    true producer’s market. Saturdays:   hosting competing horses from around the
        McCorkle Nurseries                            8 a.m. to 12 p.m.          world. Visit
        turned 80 years                                 Thomson Depot, 111 Railroad
        in 2022! The                                     St., Thomson. Visit     Come out and enjoy a tour of White Hills
        nursery began                                    @thomsonfarmersmarket
        as a one-                                         on Facebook or call    Farm in Dearing, whether the lavender
        stop retail,                                      706-466-9011; also     is in bloom or not. Three types of lavender
        landscape,                                        contact McDuffie       and many herb varieties, and wildflowers
        and growing                                       County Farm Bureau     in spring, are grown on this 28-acre farm.
        operation,                                        @mcduffiecofarmbureau   You can also browse the gift shop that
        and in 1977                                       on Facebook or call    carries handmade and high-quality small
        the McCorkle                                     706-595-1756.           batch products. Customized workshops
        family expanded                                                          are great ideas for showers, church
        into a 5-acre plant     Hillcrest Farms        Pine Top Farm is among    groups, and book and garden clubs. Visit
        farm and landscape                            the country’s premier event
        company in Dearing.                        venues and was added to the or call 706-631-0708.

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