Page 16 - Thomson-McDuffie NCG 2023
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(I-20), rail (CSX and Norfolk Southern), two                            the state’s most economically challenged
        Georgia deep water ports, and air service.                              areas; $106 billion dollars are anticipated
        Our local airport is bustling, and the                                  to be available over the 25-year term of
        Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International                                the settlement. As one of Georgia’s rural
        Airport is just two hours away, where                                   counties, McDuffie County is able to take
        cargo service is available through more                                 advantage of OneGeorgia funds with
        than a dozen carriers.                                                  qualifying projects. Local examples of
                                                                                using this grant money are a new airport
        Georgia, in general, and East Georgia                                   terminal at Thomson-McDuffie Regional
        in particular, offer an ideal combination                               Airport and our Stone Industrial Park.
        of location and facilities – in the heart
        of the nation’s fastest growing region   Thomson-McDuffie Airport       The Georgia Tourism Development Act will
        and within easy reach of national and                                   allow certain companies that build new
        international markets. Visit                                   tourism attraction projects within the state
        for more information about Georgia   you’re interested in hangar rental, contact   to maintain a portion of their sales tax
        economic development.               Spirit Aviation at 706-595-1300 or visit   revenues for 10 years.
        COMMERCIAL AIRPORTS                                                     For more information on McDuffie
        Georgia’s commercial airports put a huge   BUSINESS INCENTIVES          County’s business incentives, please
        segment of the nation’s consumer and   The stability of McDuffie County’s strong   visit
        industrial markets within easy reach.   economic infrastructure is driven by the
        The nearest commercial air service to   diversity of its industries, the presence of
        Thomson is Bush Field in Augusta, 37   five major banks and our ability to serve as
        miles east of McDuffie County. Airlines   a retail hub for rural counties to the west.
        servicing this terminal are American   University of Georgia consistently ranks
        Airlines and Delta Air Lines. Atlanta’s   McDuffie County in the top five counties
        Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is   of Georgia in sales dollars. Forty cents
        less than a two-hour drive away and   of every sales tax dollar comes
        is within:                          from non-residents.
          • 80% of the U.S. population
          • 79% of the nation’s 150 largest   McDuffie County and State of Georgia    Governor Brian Kemp
            metropolitan areas              offer a wide array of incentives to
          • 77% of the nation’s metro       expanding, existing industries as        announced September
             buying income                  well as new sites for start-ups locating   2022 that Georgia was
          • 76% of retail sales in the nation’s top    in our state.               named by Area Development
             metro markets.
                                            McDuffie County is a Tier 1 county that   magazine as the No. 1 State
        LOCAL AVIATION                      qualifies industrial expansions for a    for Business for the 9th
        The Thomson McDuffie-Regional Airport   $3,000 per employee tax credit under   consecutive year.
        serves Thomson, Augusta, and the    Georgia’s tax incentive program.
        Reynolds Plantation/Lake Oconee Resort   A minimum of 10 new employees is   No other state has earned
        area. Spirit Aviation also has the best   required to quality for this incentive.  this distinction for
        hangar rental space in the Metro Augusta                                         this duration.
        area. McDuffie County has the lowest ad   The OneGeorgia Authority uses one-third
        valorem tax rates on aircraft in Georgia. If   of the state’s tobacco settlement to assist

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