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          IN THE FUTURE
            Leaders aren’t created overnight. Nor are solutions to complex cultural issues. Cultivating leaders who become game changers
             involves mentors, professional coaches, educators, and peers. Your Thomson-McDuffie Chamber invests in the current and next
              generations in several initiatives we hope you will join – as a student, a mentor, a business owner, or active-minded citizen.

           By Lydia Cobb                                                          • Transform a mindset from manager
                                                                                     to leader, and shift strategic
                                                                                     focus from technical know-how
                                                                                     to productive know-why

                                                                                    growth; and achieve end-goal to
                                            in the area and to maintain a broad     • Create confidence in business
                                                                                    plan and confidently pitch
                                            base of active, informed, and effective       entrepreneurial ventures
                                            leaders for our community. Leadership
        YOUTH LEADERSHIP MCDUFFIE                                               UGA ARCHWAY PARTNERSHIP
        Youth Leadership McDuffie invites local   McDuffie participants increase their   The Archway Partnership connects

        high school sophomores and juniors,   awareness and involvement in areas   Georgia communities with University
        selected by their recognized and    including government, rural and urban   of Georgia and other higher education
        potential leadership and the merit of   development, education, and business.   resources to address locally identified
        their application. Students from different                              needs and opportunities. Not only do
        geographic areas get to know one another   HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP   individual communities get the full suite of
        and develop a level of mutual trust and   The High Potentials Leadership program is   resources from the University of Georgia,
        respect. Applications are available every   a collaboration between our Chamber and   but Archway communities learn, network,
        April within the local schools.     the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership   and work with each other to improve
                                            Development at UGA. The inaugural   quality of life for everyone.
        WORKFORCE AND                       class graduated in 2023, expanding upon
        EDUCATION COMMITTEE                 the leadership concepts covered in our   Archway Partnership communities have
        The Chamber partners with local     Leadership McDuffie program. Ask us   addressed issues related to economic
        businesses, industries, and the McDuffie   about enrollment to learn how to explore   development, education, workforce
        County school system to develop and   diverse leadership styles and strategies   development, leadership, health and
        attract skilled employees. This group   to build productive teams, be a change   welfare, overall quality of life, and more.
        meets monthly in the training room at the   maker, and create a culture of high   Learn more:
        UGA Archway Office at 111 Railroad St. in   performance as a service leader and
        Thomson. We focus on:               a mentor.
          • Developing a placement program   ENTREPRENEURIAL
            with industries;
                                            LEADERSHIP ACADEMY
                                            Curricula developed by UGA’s J.W.
          • Creating a Business/Industry Council    Fanning Institute for Leadership
            that works directly with our local      Development and Small Business
            school system; and
                                            Development Center guides the
          • Increasing business participation   Thomson-McDuffie Chamber in our
            in schools by providing industry   leadership academy for aspiring business
            expert guest speakers.          owners. The six-month class begins each
                                            September for participants to hone skills
                                            that help to:
        Connect. Grow. Succeed.               • Develop leadership traits critical
        Leadership McDuffie is a six-month       to carrying out a business vision and
        program that provides a forum for       working with others to grow, and
        participants to learn about challenges       set the stage to transition ideas
        and opportunities within Thomson and       into action
        McDuffie County. Enrollment helps
        identify, recognize, and develop leaders     • Cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship

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