Page 9 - Thomson-McDuffie NCG 2023
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Thomson-McDuffie School System

 Leaders aren’t created overnight. Nor are solutions to complex cultural issues. Cultivating leaders who become game changers
 involves mentors, professional coaches, educators, and peers. Your Thomson-McDuffie Chamber invests in the current and next
 generations in several initiatives we hope you will join – as a student, a mentor, a business owner, or active-minded citizen.

 By Lydia Cobb

                              E       d       u       c      a      t    io         n

                                         Looking To The Future

            he Thomson-McDuffie County                                           start through Advanced Placement and
            community ensures its own bright                                     dual enrollment courses.
       Tfuture by nurturing the citizens,
       workforce, and leaders of tomorrow                                        Ensuring that support is all-encompassing,
       throughout the county’s public and private                                the McDuffie Achievement Center
       educational institutions. Thomson – as                                    is a place where students become
       home to a branch of the Technical College                                 enthusiastic learners who master key
       System of Georgia – is a great place to                                   concepts, and team players who acquire
       begin a journey through higher education.                                 skills that inspire them to successfully
                                                                                 return to and thrive at their home schools
       McDuffie County School System                                             or graduate and move into the next
       Where tradition meets innovation, the   credit, giving them a head start on their   chapters of life. Learn more about McDuffie
       McDuffie County School System is                                          County Schools:
       committed to academic excellence with a   diplomas as well as college and career.
       focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships.   The district participates in the Realizing
                                            Educational Achievement Can Happen
       McDuffie is On the Move!             (REACH) Mentorship and Scholarship
       More than a slogan, being on the     Program designed to encourage students
       move means the Board of Education,   to persist in their educational pursuits. The   Eighth grade
       educators, and staff are providing   REACH program identifies rising eighth    students can take
       students with the best possible facilities,   grade students who display academic
       technology, opportunities, and resources.   promise and provides them with the support   classes in multiple
       Elementary students benefit from     necessary to graduate from high school,    subjects for high
       small-group guided reading instruction,   attend college, and achieve future success.  school credit, giving
       advanced content courses, and science,
       technology, engineering, and mathematics   The Career, Technical, and Agricultural   them a head start
       (STEM) activities in coding, robotics, and   Education (CTAE) program at Thomson   on their diplomas as
       computer science.                    High School allows students to explore
                                            areas of interest in the classroom and      well as college
       At Thomson-McDuffie Middle School,   be prepared for the workforce through         and career.
       STEM and fine arts curricula develop more   26 different career pathways as well as
       deeply the opportunities for expanded   apprenticeship opportunities through
       learning. Eighth grade students can take   partnerships with local businesses. Students
       classes in multiple subjects for high school   planning to attend college can get a head

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