Page 21 - Tri-County NCG 2023
P. 21


        Branchville Railroad Shrine          Eutaw Springs Battle Ground         tabernacle, where annual services are
        and Museum                           12933 Old Number Six Highway        held the last week in September. During
        7204 Freedom Road                    Eutawville, SC 29048                this time, breakfast, dinner, and supper
        Branchville, SC 29432                   The Battle of Eutaw Springs      are cooked on wood-burning stoves,
        (803) 747-0958 |           monument marks the site of the last   as the forebears did in the early 1800s
                                             major American Revolutionary War    when this facility was constructed.
                                             battle fought in the Carolinas (Sept.   Koger-Murray-Carroll-House
                                             8, 1781). There are many hiking trails   119 Sandy Branch Road
                                             nearby, including the Palmetto Trail.   St. George, SC 29477
                                             Admission is free. Open daily during   (843) 563-2298 |
                                             daylight hours.
                                                                                    With 10 documented owners since
                                             The Historic Church                 construction began in the late 1780s,
                                                                                 this historic residence is a shining
                                             of the Epiphany                     example of Federal and Georgian
                                             12065 Old Number Six Highway        architecture. The home and property
                                             Eutawville, SC 29048
           Settled in 1734, Branchville is home   (803) 492-7644 |  are now under the purview of the
        to the world’s oldest railroad junction      This historic church was built in 1849   Dorchester Historical Society, which
        and was on the route of the country’s   to accommodate residents who made   continues to preserve and restore the
        first scheduled train. The Shrine and   their summer homes in the cool pine   site. A Living History Weekend is held
        Museum now serves as a reminder of   forest of Eutaw. The Historic Epiphany   annually in November.
        when the railroad industry was king. It   is an affiliate of the Anglican Church   The Lourie Theatre
        features a replica of “The Best Friend   and a member of the Diocese of South   206 N. Parler Avenue
        of Charleston” locomotive and other   Carolina. Call ahead for group tours.  St. George, SC 29477
        extraordinary items. Call ahead to tour.                                 (843) 563-3032
                                             Indian Field Campground   
        Dorchester Heritage Center           SC Route S-18-73                       This refurbished, 300-plus seat
        101 Ridge Street                     St. George, SC 29477                theater has been a mainstay of St.
        St. George, SC 29477                    Indian Field is South Carolina’s   George since the 1920s and features a
        (843) 931-1020 |          largest Methodist campground and    wide array of community entertainment
           In the Old County Courthouse, the   one of the most impressive sites in   including stage productions, concerts,
        Heritage Center preserves Dorchester   the state. Ninety-nine two-story, rustic   workshops, and more. Theater and
        County’s heritage. Access to original   wooden buildings encircle the central   annex available to rent.
        documents and digital archives are
        provided to researchers by appointment.
        Historical exhibits are included in the
        admission fee. Open Tues.-Fri, 9:00 am-   Elloree Old Town District
        4:00 pm.; Sat., 10:00 am-2:00 pm.

        Elloree Old Town District and
        Elloree Heritage Museum &
        Cultural Center
        2714 Cleveland Street
        Elloree, SC 29047
        (803) 897-2225
           The Elloree Old Town District
        features buildings that date back to
        the early 1900s, antique shops, gift
        boutiques, arts, crafts, and restaurants.
        Festivals are held during the year.
        The award-winning Elloree Heritage
        Museum has exhibits displaying an
        exciting and educational view of South
        Carolina’s rural past. Call for hours.

        (843) 563-8187 •                       17                                          Things To Do
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