Page 26 - Tri-County NCG 2023
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Our Schools

                  Make our Region Shine

                                                                                 making focus. The secondary curriculum
                                                                                 provides a comprehensive educational
                                                                                 program with emphasis on preparing
                                                                                 students to be lifelong learners.

                                                                                      Dorchester School District Four
                                                                                 experiences accomplishments and success
                                                 Safety is a top priority across the district;   in the areas of academics and athletics. For
                                            students, staff, and school resource officers   information visit
                                            receive special training. The fine arts are
                                            thriving, with enrichment programs, arts-  Orangeburg County School District
                                            integrated and arts-infused instruction, and        Orangeburg County School District has 32
                                            arts magnet schools. BCSD leads the way   schools serving more than 13,000 students.
        T      he Tri-County Region’s public   16,000 computers, 43,000+ mobile devices,   one unified team to help students be the best
                                            in technology, supporting the daily use of
                                                                                 Administrators, employees, and staff work as
                                            and approximately 3,083 smart classrooms.
                                                                                 they can be.
               schools are among the best in

                                                 BCSD seniors annually receive millions of
               South Carolina. The Carolyn Lewis
                                                                                      Orangeburg County School Superintendent,
               School in the Berkeley County
                                            and are highly sought after by higher education
        School District opens in 2023 with building   dollars in academic and athletic scholarships   Dr. Shawn Foster, just celebrated a year
                                                                                 with the district. The board of trustees has
                                            institutions. Career and technical education
        aesthetics that match the high quality of   provides students opportunities to obtain   extended his contract by two years, citing an
        education. Dorchester School District Four’s   workforce certifications and experience.   “overall excellent evaluation” of his first year
        95.2% graduation rate outstrips graduations   Please visit for   of service. Accomplishments during his first
        statewide (83.3%). Cultural collaboration,   more information.           year include a partnership with Orangeburg-
        creative learning, and effective communication                           Calhoun Technical College allowing high
        help make the Orangeburg County School   Dorchester School District Four   school students to graduate with both a high
        District stand apart. Private school options are        Dorchester School District Four serves   school diploma and an associate degree
        also available.                     2,300 students at three elementary schools,   in arts or science. Dr. Foster also spent
                                            two middle schools, one high school, and   countless hours during the 2020-21 school
             After high school, whether a student   one alternative program. All the district’s
        wants to pursue technical training or an   schools have earned full accreditation   year getting to know businesses, community
        advanced degree, the Tri-County Region    through Cognia.                leaders, and leaders of the faith community.
        has many institutions to help individuals
        achieve their goals.                     Children in the district reaching age 4   For more information on the Orangeburg
                                            by September 1 may participate in classes   County School District, please visit
        Berkeley County School District     designed to prepare them for school. The
             Berkeley County School District (BCSD),   elementary program gives students a firm   Tri-County Region Private Schools
        the state’s fourth largest district, addresses   foundation in reading, math, sciences, social        Private education and tutoring, both
        the knowledge, skills, and characteristics of   studies, and life skills, while the middle   independent and church-based, are available
        the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.   school curriculum includes a strong focus   in the Tri-County Region. Two that support the
        More than 6,600 employees serve more   on reading and math while incorporating   Chamber are Dorchester Academy and Holly
        than 37,000 K-12 students in 47 schools.  exploratory offerings and a career decision-  Hill Academy.

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