Page 24 - Tri-County NCG 2023
P. 24

Get Your Festival On!

              Calender      Festivals and community events are region wide and all year around. With so many events to
              of Events     choose from, it’s easy to see why people flock to the Tri-County Region when in a festive mood.
        SPRING                                                FALL

        Lakefest                                              Bowman Harvest Festival
        Centered on the Crappie USA fishing tournament on Lakes Marion   Bowman’s marquee event is the second full weekend in September and
        and Moultrie, the Town of Santee’s event includes amusement rides,   features vendors, carnival rides, and some of the best barbeque around.
        arts and crafts vendors, food vendors, music, games and exhibits at   Trash to Treasures
        the Town Hall. Held annually in March or April.
        Trash to Treasures                                    Elloree’s bi-annual event features street vendors, food vendors, a                                         community-wide yard sale plus sidewalk sales and in-store specials
        Elloree’s bi-annual event features street vendors, food vendors, a   from local businesses along Cleveland Street in the town’s historic
        community-wide yard sale, plus sidewalk sales and in-store specials   district. Fall event is typically held in late September.
        from local businesses along Cleveland Street in the town’s historic   Raylrode Daze Festivul
        district. Spring event is typically held in April.
        World Grits Festival                                  This festival commemorates Branchville’s rich railroad heritage as the                                world’s oldest railroad junction. Typically held the last full weekend in
        Celebrating the manna of the South, this lively festival    September, this jubilee centers around a life-size re-creation of an old
        attracts nearly 40,000 people to St. George each year. Typically    West town that includes can-can girls, mock cowboy fights,
        held the second or third weekend in April, the event includes a parade,   arts and crafts, food, a parade, street dances, and more.
        carnival, clothesline art show, commercial food booths, arts and   Halloween Events
        crafts, grits meals, contests, square and line dancing, clogging, live   Several of the area’s communities, including Elloree and
        music, and religious music performances.              Bowman, participate in ‘trunk or treat’ events which provide a
        Orangeburg Festival of Roses                          safe and localized setting for trick-or-treating and associated activities.                                 The Town of Harleyville has organized trick-or-treating along Main
        Held annually the weekend before Mother’s Day, the iconic event    Street annually as well, from 6-8 p.m., with fireworks at 8:30 p.m.
        and associated activities are centered in Orangeburg’s
        Edisto Memorial Gardens, where thousands of roses
        bloom near the banks of the Edisto River.             WINTER
        Magnolia Parade and Picnic                            Christmas Parades                        The Tri-County Region knows how to celebrate Christmas.
        Reevesville plays host to a large-scale homecoming that convenes in
        the town’s two lovely parks. Held annually the Saturday before Mother’s   Festivals, parades, and lights are everywhere.
        Day, the celebration features a parade and community awards.  • Elloree’s Small Town Christmas is in late
                                                                   November or early December.
        SUMMER                                                   • The Harleyville Christmas Parade is the first

        Elloree Fourth of July Celebration                         Thursday evening after Thanksgiving.
        Join the Town of Elloree for a traditional picnic of hot dogs, hamburgers,   • Holly Hill Christmas Festival and Parade
        corn on the cob, ice cream, and watermelon followed by a patriotic     is the first full weekend in December
        program and a fireworks display that begins at dark.     • The St. George Christmas Parade is usually
        Big Daddy Fishing Tournament                               held the first Saturday of December.
        This youth fishing event open to children ages 3 to 12 attracts    • Bowman’s Christmas Parade is the
        nearly 100 participants every year. Held the first weekend in August      second Thursday in December.
        at Santee State Park, the tournament includes prizes and a cookout.   • Ridgeville’s Tree Lighting is held the second
        St. George Independence Day Celebration                    Friday in December while the Christmas Parade
        The Town of St. George celebrates our Nation’s birth on July 1 annually     is held the second Saturday in December.
        with a parade, patriotic bike ride, fireworks show, food trucks, and   • The Santee Christmas Parade is usually the second
        music. The event is held in the park at 600 Minus Street.        Sunday in December.

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