Page 16 - Wilkes County NCG 2023
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Back on Track
        Back on Track

                      North Carolina’s oldest operating dragstrip –

                Wilkesboro Dragway – fuels generational excitement

        By Lydia Cobb
        W          hat’s so cool about drag racing?
                   Anyone can participate! Two
                   drivers line up at the starting
                   line. They race to the finish as
        fast as they can. That’s it, but there’s so much
        more. See for yourself at Wilkesboro Dragway,
        built nearly 70 years ago.
          Here in the land of storied moonshine
        getaways, where cars were primed to outrun
        the authorities, drag racing is making a big
        comeback despite the loss of smaller, family-
        owned tracks to development around the
        nation. Here in Wilkesboro, the state’s oldest
        operating dragstrip has new owners who are
        committed to growing this family-oriented sport.
          Wilkesboro Dragway’s business owner,
        Paul Salvatore said, “There’s passion and
        competition on any given race day, from the
        racers who love to pursue their desire to go                                            The Salvatore Family
        fast, to the spectators who love to watch their
        favorite race car go rounds. From the smell of
        the burnt rubber on the first burnout until the   “People here seem to really care about racing,
        last car lands in the winner’s circle, there is   no matter their age.” Cindy Meredith
        never a dull moment.”
          Being at the restored dragway means
        experiencing all the senses. Imagine the   with the track and more importantly, with the   dragsters, for everybody,” Olish says on his
        scents of race fuels – whether old-fashioned   community of Wilkesboro.   website video. “It’s a family sport and a lot of
        gasoline or the newer additives that smell like     Donnie and his wife Tracee and family   people don’t realize that.”
        blueberries and cotton candy. There is high-  have owned and operated Olish Farms, Olish     Enter Paul Salvatore and wife Cindy
        spirited cheering! Beyond the 45-acre dragway   Petroleum, Olish Landscaping, Olish Trucking,   Meredith, who own the business side of the
        property are rolling hills in the valley, dotted   Olish Carting, among other businesses. The   track. Salvatore owned and operated PFAB
        with cows. All this is the backdrop to high   boys of the family all share a common bond in   Customs in New York where he rebuilt motors,
        octane excitement.                  drag racing. Their passion for this sport brought   roll cages, and did custom conversions. He
          Fifth-generation Long Island, New York   them to Wilkesboro the first time, and Olish’s   brings this talent to the Wilkesboro Dragway
        farmer Donnie Olish and family bought the   desire to see the historic track succeed led him   (his prized possession is his 1973 Vega).
        Wilkesboro Raceway Park in April 2021. Olish   to its purchase.          Olish was a client with Salvatore’s business
        and his sons came to the Wilkesboro Dragway     “We love the competition. We think drag   when they got to talking about the new track.
        a few years ago for an event. They fell in love   racing is a great sport for young kids, junior   Olish and Salvatore partnered to keep this track

        12   Wilkesboro Dragway                                                         Wilkes Chamber of Commerce
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